I don't need the details, I already know this is for me.
where the community creates the connection
are you ready to rewrite your story as one of resilience? growth? expansion?
I am so happy you are here.
Let's dive in, shall we?
The REALWITH Project was first created at the start of 2020 as a 6-week group coaching program. With the mission of helping women step into alignment with their most authentic & vibrant selves. To lead them to true freedom through awareness, mindfulness & love. To show them that it IS possible to heal their relationships to food, fitness, sex, money, career, their body, their trauma...
But since then this program & its online course has been re-recorded & re-structured over 3 times to create space for 2 additional weeks of content.
& because of this, I have been able to hold, guide, lead & teach over 80+ women to be the full embodiment of who they are.
Because I am committed to having this program be a true reflection of me, my knowledge, my beliefs & my experiences.
I am the teacher, coach & healer that I am because I choose to lead with vulnerability. I choose to lead with truth, with light, with love.
If you have been a part of my community for a long time you know that 2021 was a hard year for me. I went through more pain, fear, confusion & darkness than I knew what to do with.
& as hard as it was, it provided more growth, revelations & evolution than I can express in words.
Which meant... the time has come to dive back in & edit, tweak & add to The REALWITH Project to ensure the content is a representation of who I am & what I know today.
This brings me here.
Typing this & sharing with you what is next for us in the REALWITH Community.
As day after day passed without "edit & re-record the modules for the RWP" being crossed off my to-do list I began to grow fearful.
Is this not meant to be?
Is this the end of the REALWITH Project?
I just couldn't understand why I was so resistant to updating this program. I had done it many times before?! With ease? And joy?!
If you know me you understand that aligned action is the name of my game. If I force myself to do something it will turn out as only a fraction of what I need it to be. When I create I have to be in the space to create. There is no "getting something done" for the sake of crossing it off the list...
But as days & weeks passed without feeling aligned with re-creating the RWP my anxiety grew.
Soon enough the mere thought of editing my RWP powerpoints & re-recording all the modules made me panic. So I pushed it off. Day after day. Week after week. Month after month.
& I began to question... is aligned action just an excuse? Was I just lazy? Did I lose my touch? Would I ever be able to create a program again!?
Until it hit me.
The problem wasn't me.
Or my lack of passion or energy.
The resistance I felt was strong enough to keep me from getting it done - not because I lacked discipline, but because the CONTENT outgrew the CONTAINER.
I need to shake it up.
I need to allow my intuition to lead the way.
& with this, I realized that what I really need - is a new container.
Instead of a screen filled with bullet points & a voiceover of information, RWP2.0 is
The REALWITH Project 2.0 Mastermind is a self paced course that covers all of the OG content inside the REALWITH Project but delivered to you with NEW energy NEW wisdom NEW knowing & in an entirely NEW way.
Because what I have learned & gained as a coach, healer & teacher in the last year cannot possibly be summed up in a PowerPoint presentation...
In the RWP 2.0 Mastermind, we will dive deep into the topics that have cultivated true & ever-lasting change within dozens of RWP Alumni.
Such as... the energetics of food + fitness AKA how to align your eating & movement habits with your highest good. ego, fear + self-limiting beliefs. sleep, hormones & self-care. relationships, intimacy, sexual healing. spirituality, purpose & passion. & so much more.
The RWP in its essence is a permission slip to discover all the parts of yourself that you have abandoned over the years. That you have shamed, judged, cast away into the shadows in hopes of being less of yourself & more of what society deems acceptable.
This new offer will lead you to a new timeline. One where YOU are your greatest healer. Where your weaknesses your faults your fears become your greatest teacher. One where you step into alignment with your greatest self.
The RWP 2.0 Mastermind has 7 modules for you to watch at your own pace.
The topics for each week's masterclass are below:
Week One:
Week Two:
Week Three:
Week Four:
Week Five:
Week Six:
Week Seven:
And so much more!!! The reason that these are LIVE calls is that as we navigate the lessons together I will be prompting you all to share in the chat, ask questions & THIS is where it gets juicy. In my personal coaching style, I thrive without a script. I thrive in the flowww. I thrive when I am vibing with YOU. My most potent & powerful teachings were never planned or written, they simply poured through me while working with clients.
& this is why this new container is so extraordinary. YOU will help GUIDE the direction of each call. It will be simply beautiful.
The RWP 2.0 Mastermind is right for you if...